paulose ii (gereja ortodoks india) bahasa Inggris
- ortodoks: orthodox; eastern orthodox church footer;
- gereja ortodoks: eastern orthodox; eastern orthodox church; orthodox catholic church; orthodox church; eastern church
- eksarkat gereja ortodoks rusia: exarchates of the russian orthodox church
- eparki gereja ortodoks rusia: eparchies of the russian orthodox church
- gereja ortodoks albania: orthodox church of albania
- gereja ortodoks belarusia: belarusian orthodox church
- gereja ortodoks bulgaria: bulgarian orthodox church
- gereja ortodoks filipina: eastern orthodoxy in the philippines
- gereja ortodoks finlandia: orthodox church of finland
- gereja ortodoks georgia: georgian orthodox church
- gereja ortodoks indonesia: indonesian orthodox church (moscow patriarchate)
- gereja ortodoks jepang: orthodox church in japan
- gereja ortodoks koptik: coptic orthodox church
- gereja ortodoks koptik aleksandria: coptic orthodox church of alexandria
- gereja ortodoks koptik iskandariah: coptic orthodox church of alexandria